선택한 메뉴가 장바구니에 담겼습니다. 장바구니로 이동하시겠습니까?
* Please select country and territory in which you are interested in developing bb.q’s franchisee stores
* Are you interested in certain regions/cities, or exclusive rights for whole country/territory? Please write detail information.
Present Job / Industry
Have you operated or developed a restaurant?
Any experience of franchise business?
If yes, Please describe your franchise business experience. (Period, type, number of stores, etc.)
I’m applying as
Please give us a simple introduction of yourself and/ or corporation(Number of employees, yearly turnover, main item, location, establishment, website, etc.)
Available Liquid Capital?
Leave your additional question or comment.
Our global business development team will contact you with in
one week after qualification process.