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    bb.q NEWS

bb.q NEWS

  • TITLE : bb.q 100th BSK Store, Beyond Domestic Market!
  • DATE : 11 Jan 2021
  • VIEW : 2482

bb.q 100th BSK Store, Beyond Domestic Market!

      In April, 2020, bb.q Korea has developed a new type of BSK (BBQ Smart Kitchen) model aimed at the untact trends. This BSK business model is being made with a lower initial investment and construction costs.  This type of stores has been gaining steady popularity since its development. The first six stores, which were operated as a company owned stores, was ed into franchisee’s stores due to its high operating profit. Specialized for delivery and take-out services, this BSK type achieved a miracle of opening over a hundred stores within six months. Hence, bb.q celebrated the opening ceremony of 100th BSK store.



As the employment shortage deepens in the COVID-19 situation, BSK stands out for prospective founders who hope to start business with a small capital. With this low capital investment, the BSK typed stores record daily average sales nearly twice as much as expected. Currently, BSK type has more than 200 additional contracts to be opened. Another strength of the BSK type is that it is easy to open and manage multi-stores through efficient operation with handling bb.q core menu items. By opening several BSK stores around the existing store, it allows to reserve and expand the delivery zone for operating business effectively.


Based on these advantages, bb.q Global is preparing to apply and expand the BSK type to the North America, Japan, and Southeast Asia markets. Through this attractive type, bb.q Global partners will be able to manage a small capital with high return business model. bb.q Global will strive to support and build trust not only for customers but our partners, as the BSK type has satisfied customers’ need.





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