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  • bb.q NEWS
    bb.q NEWS

bb.q NEWS

  • TITLE : Our Attitude Against the COVID-19 (CORONA Virus)
  • DATE : 20 Feb 2020
  • VIEW : 2318

COVID-19 Precaution Poster for Employees                                         COVID-19 Precaution Poster for customers       




      It is unfortunate that the COVID-19 hits all over the world. And as following the results, the damages in terms of economic, social, and individual activities are worried.

During this difficult circumstances, Genesis BBQ strives for society by tighten our company.

Genesis BBQ is trying to reduce the risk of this serious disease.


       1. We educate the sense of hygiene to our employees and ourselves.

      2. We care our clients by measuring body temperature and serving hand sanitizer anytime for preventing COVID-19.

      3. We made our own precautions posters to recognize ALL THE TIME.  


We also manage our stores with strict sanitation and hygienic rules in order to encourage everyone to stay in a safe zone.

We believe these basic principles will definitely reduce the general risk of transmission of acute respiratory infections.  


Genesis BBQ hopes everyone will be safe, and avoid any damages from the COVID-19.     


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