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    bb.q NEWS

bb.q NEWS

  • TITLE : Accelerating US Franchise Business
  • DATE : 20 May 2019
  • VIEW : 2659

Accelerated US Franchise Business







In addition to entry into Canada through Master Franchise, US franchise businesses are also accelerating with the success story of 32nd Manhattan K-town store in the US. Catering to businessmen across the US by the taste of Korean style bb.q chicken, product competitiveness, and business prowess, speeding up regional Area Representatives to spread the business in several states.


In the first quarter of the year, we opened stores in major US cities of the western American States, such as Houston, Seattle and Maryland, capturing customers and establishing a strong presence in the United States. In the second half of this year, we plan to accelerate the eastern and western regions to boost up the business expansion with the stable models.




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